Social Facilitation

Social Facilitation

Social facilitation which is inclusive of public awareness, project stakeholder consultation.

SMMMS provides Advocacy; Social Facilitation; Stakeholder Engagement and Community Awareness during pre-construction; during and post construction phase of infrastructure development project. The objective of SMMMS’s Social Facilitation and Stakeholder Engagement is to ensure that all issues arising from the stakeholders do not affect the project negatively and are dealt with timeously. Furthermore, the process helps in mobilizing support and buy-in from all stakeholders as well as classifying stakeholders’ influence accordingly.

SMMMS’s Communication Management capabilities play a pivotal role in enhancing this area of work. We ensure that good and courteous communication is maintained between relevant stakeholders thus fostering good relations and understanding of the challenges a project faces.

Our focus includes stakeholder mapping; preparation of stakeholder engagement plan; stakeholder consultation/awareness raising; Project Steering Committee establishment and training; facilitation of the appointment of Community Liaison Offi cers/ Business Development Offi cers / Labour Desk Offi cers; advocacy; dispute resolution; community needs analysis; community profi ling; public relations; project branding and continuous reporting to all project stakeholders.